Ice Cream Party … Cookie Ice Cream

November 25, 2007 at 2:40 pm | Posted in Cookies, Dessert, Ice Cream | 5 Comments

I know I said I would be making cookie ice cream in the near future, but who knew that what that really mean was I would be making it within a few hours of saying that.Greg – “So, what are you making for dessert?”

Me – “Go eat the ice cream I made earlier”

Greg – “That’s not ice cream. It’s sorbet” (ok he got me there, but it’s close enough) “I really liked it, but you should make that cookies ice cream”

He got me on semantics and being the wonderful wife that I am, I made him his cookies ice cream. I really liked this ice cream, but I was more in love with the Raspberry Lime Sorbet. I think that was partially, if not completely my fault. I’m not unbelieveably good at reading directions and although the ingredient list said 1/4 of a vanilla bean, the instructions said to slice the bean in half and put it in. Ooops, I put the whole bean it and the vanilla was a bit stronger than I would have liked, but that’s my fault. Even with it’s extra vanilla flavor it was delicious and oh so yummy. The only problem is that this ice cream isn’t quite as guilt free, but it’s well worth it!

Greg loved it and Puddles was chasing after the spoon trying to grab herself a lick. She even nabbed some out of a bowl Greg had when he got up to answer the phone. We are now in frozen treat heaven. How funny is it that at the end of November I have Cookies Ice Cream, Raspberry Lime Sorbet AND doggie ice cream in my freezer. We are one oddball family 🙂

My only other problem was dealing with ml. At first I was freaking out …200ml is .85 cups. How do you measure .85 cups? hehe Luckily I was able to find my measuring set that also lits mls. I’ve read the explaination for why they plan to use the metric system for their measurements and it makes perfect sense, expecially because they’re in Ireland. This was more of a funny moment trying to figure out how I was going to make the measurements without the propper tools than an actual problem.

Cookies Ice Cream (taken word for word from Ice Cream Ireland)


  • 130g Sugar
  • 5 Egg Yolks
  • 220ml Cream
  • 200ml Milk
  • 1/4 Vanilla Bean
  • 4 Cookies


  1. Cut the vanilla bean lengthwise and put in a saucepan with the milk.
  2. Bring the milk to a simmer.
  3. Remove from the heat.
  4. Beat the sugar and egg yolks together until thick and pale yellow.
  5. Remove the vanilla bean from the milk.
  6. Beat the milk into the eggs and sugar in a slow stream.
  7. Pour the mixture back into pan, and place over low heat.
  8. Stir until the custard thickens (around 60C).
  9. Allow the custard to cool.
  10. Whip the cream until it has doubled in volume (don’t over-whip!) and fold into the custard.
  11. Freeze using a domestic ice cream machine, adding the cookies when it’s fairly solid.
  12. You can also just cover and place in the freezer, stirring every few hours, and again, add the cookies when it’s reasonably solid.


1. The reason not to add the cookies to early, is that they can turn the ice cream an awful grey colour if they are mixed in too early!

2. The vanilla is optional, but we like a base flavour of vanilla for this ice cream…


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  1. omg. cookie ice cream from scratch? how the heck is G so freaking skinny?? he makes me sick! LOL.

  2. What a great photo of the dog! Our own would be very jealous seeing that!

  3. Clara, not that skinny anymore, if she keeps making all this wonderful food, I could be a mall santa with no extra padding.

  4. […] Crazy Delicious […]

  5. Oh that looks fabulous. So yummy.

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